Divine Energy
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It is used to multiply the rewards of a battle.
Players automatically get 1 Divine Energy per minute for each Omni Source they own.
This resource system is paramount to the game. It is what allows players to play because they WANT to, instead of because they HAVE to.
Given that there is no cap on the amount of Divine Energy any account can hold, if we have to take some time off from the game we are not wasting our resources.
And when we get back there is no mandatory grind. We can even use all Divine Energy into a single battle, if we so choose.
Assuming players get 1 card when winning a battle using 1 Divine Energy. If they use 30 Divine Energy, they would get 30 cards instead.
Can be deposited/withdrawn to multiple blockchains.
During Alpha and Beta tests, Divine Energy can only be used in-game.